
Translational Research Department


Head of Translational Research Department


Since 2003, Institut Curie has structured a « Translational Research Department » with the goal of promoting and facilitating this research which has the objective of transferring discoveries at the bench to the bedside of patients and vice verse in the form of diagnostic or therapeutic applications


Since 2003, Institut Curie has structured a « Translational Research Department » with the goal of promoting and facilitating this research which has the objective of transferring discoveries at the bench to the bedside of patients and vice verse in the form of diagnostic or therapeutic applications.

The department, composed of more than 90 members, makes human and technological resources available to clinicians and researchers at Curie and beyond allowing the development of applied projects which aim at improving care for cancer patients (assessment and validation of diagnostic, prognostic and patient support tools, as well as development of biomedical devices or therapeutic approaches resulting from basic or clinical research).

A diverse range of projects is carried out with the help of the department: internal projects involving clinicians and researchers from numerous research units at Curie but also collaborative projects wit other academic institutions or pharmaceutical/biotech companies. Some projects may also aim at establishing “proofs of concept” for patent licensing and/or start-up companies.

The translational research department hosts :

The teams hosted by the department are co-affiliated with the different research units of the Research Centre reinforcing links with other research axes. These teams are led by clinician-researchers or by researchers demonstrating a strong link with the clinic ensuring a bi-directional flow.

Grouping teams, platform expertise and groups within the translational research department created an ecosystem that allows us to provide the necessary support for the maturation of translational research projects (proof of concept in vivo, target/biomarker identification and validation, ancillary biological studies coupled to clinical trials, …) of Institut Curie alone or in collaboration with other academic teams or industrial partners.

Labeled Teams:

Translational Groups:




2023Proton FLASH Radiation Therapy and Immune Infiltration: Evaluation in an Orthotopic Glioma Rat Model

International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics - 01/07/2023

See authors

2023Multi-modal quantification of pathway activity with MAYA

Nature Communications - 25/03/2023

See authors

Life of the team

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SéminaireThe emerging immunogenomic landscape of uveal melanoma and therapeutic implications

Speakers : J. William Harbour

21/03/2025 17:15 - 23:59
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Constant-Burg - 12 rue Lhomond, Paris 5e
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