Research - Paris

Functions within Institut Curie


Pierre Sens is Directeur de Recherche at CNRS working at Institut Curie, in Paris. Pierre received his PhD from the University of Strasbourg (France) in 1996 in the field of soft condensed matter and complex fluids. He then moved to U.C. Santa Barbara for a couple of years, then to Institut Weizmann in Israel for a year, before coming back to France with the CNRS. Pierre is a theoretical physicist applying physical concepts to the study of biological systems, in particular to living cells. He investigates the active mechanics of cells, with a focus on cell motility and mechano-sensation. Recent extension include the mechanics of tissues, and in particular the effect of the mechanical microenvironement of tumors on their shape and dissemination potential. Pierre also studies cellular membranes, particularly the dynamics on intracellular membranes and the generation and maintenance of cellular organelles.


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