

Recherche - Orsay
Spécialités / domaines
Molecular biology

I started my Ph.D. in Dr. Carsten Janke's lab as a PSL-Biogen doctoral fellow in January, 2021. The ambition of my project is to decipher the implication of one of the microtubule post-translational modifications - Polyglutamylation - in the control of microtubule functions in neurons. The lab has already shown that excessive polyglutamylation perturbs neuronal transport and leads to neurodegeneration in mice and humans. In my project, using mouse genetics, cell biological approaches and patient materials, we aim at uncovering the role of polyglutamylation in ensuring neuronal homeostasis. We hypothesise that fine-tuning of this modification adapts microtubules to changing physiological requirements, and failure to do so can lead to neurodegeneration.