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CurieCoreTech Metabolomics and Lipidomics

The Metabolomics and Lipidomics Platform offers cutting-edge analytical services to researchers at Institut Curie and collaborators from national and international academic institutions and companies.

The Metabolomics and Lipidomics Platform puts emphasis on routine analysis as well as project-specific tailor-made metabolome and lipidome analysis and method development using state-of-the-art mass spectrometric-based approaches.

Key publications
  • Repurposing of tamoxifen ameliorates CLN3 and CLN7 disease phenotype
    EMBO Molecular Medicine
    Chiara Soldati, Irene Lopez‐Fabuel, Luca G Wanderlingh, Marina Garcia‐Macia, Jlenia Monfregola, Alessandra Esposito, Gennaro Napolitano, Marta Guevara‐Ferrer, Anna Scotto Rosato, Einar K Krogsaeter, Dominik Paquet, Christian M Grimm, Sandro Montefusco, Thomas Braulke, Stephan Storch, Sara E Mole, Maria A De Matteis, Andrea Ballabio, Julio L Sampaio, Tristan McKay, Ludger Johannes, Juan P Bolaños, Diego L Medina
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