Programs and partnerships


The freedom of the researcher to chose his or her scientific projects is a determining factor for creativity, the main source of innovative and pioneering concepts. It is therefore essential to support basic research while creating an environment enabling an excellent international and interdisciplinary research in life science.

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Structuring programs of the Research Center

Institut Curie Research Center coordinates six structural programs for the benefit of research units and teams. Funded mainly by the "Investissements d'avenir" programme, they help to accelerate scientific collaboration and support the emergence of new projects.

  2. LabEx DEEP
  4. LabEx DCBIOL
  5. PSL - Qlife
  6. SIRIC

Some research teams of Institut Curie Research Center also participate in other LabExs: LabEx IPGG, LabEx Charmmat.


Curie Programs

Within the framework of the Scientific Project 2020 - 2025, the Direction of the Research Center supports various programmes for the benefit of the research teams. They are entirely funded by the generosity of our donors.



The culture of interdisciplinarity is one of the hallmarks of Institut Curie Research Center. It is reinforced by the launch of specific calls for projects:

  • Emerging and/or high-risk projects to stimulate the start-up of new ideas, in particular from young researchers. Between €20,000 and €60,000 per project depending on the year. 
  • Structuring projects to develop collaborations and encourage innovation. 150 000€ per project.



This program is a springboard that directly benefits the research teams. It finances the first year of a foreign postdoc who will be able to apply for other types of funding while already being integrated into the team. This allows us to encourage young scientists to join our teams.


  • JPI Junior Principal Investigator Program

Institut Curie Research Center regularly recruits young team leaders (JPIs) in its various research units (1 to 3 JPIs per year on average). After an international recruitment process, the JPI benefits from a starting package to start his research and build his team.



At the Research Center, thanks to the generosity of the Mayent and Rothschild families, a specific fund has been created to welcome foreign researchers to stay in the research units. The winner of the grant can thus join a research laboratory for 3 months or more to collaborate on projects and share his or her expertise, particularly with young scientists.  

The Research Center also welcomes researchers on sabbatical leave thanks to the Chaire Blaise Pascal programme of the Ile-de-France Region.



Recent scientific upheavals and technological advances are radically transforming the practice of medicine and biomedical research. To adapt to this paradigm shift, appropriate scientific training is essential for medical and pharmacy students interested in research activities.

The École normale supérieure, the Université PSL - Paris Sciences et Lettres, Institut Curie and the Institut Pasteur offer a Medicine/Science (M/S) Program providing a high-level mixed medical and scientific curriculum, including an early introduction to research, in order to train a core group of professionals with dual scientific and medical skills. LEARN MORE


Contact point DIRECTORY PROFILE: Virginie Bel




Institut Curie Research Centre is part of a rich environment in which it has established academic and institutional collaborations to increase its influence, to pool resources and expertise and to develop its strategic position. It is supported by its institutional and university partners and by industries.


At the national level, the indispensable help of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the CNRS, Inserm and the universities (Sorbonne University, Université Paris Cité and Université Paris-Saclay) is to be commended. Institut Curie is also an associate member of the Université PSL Paris Sciences et Lettres. All the research units of the center are associated with at least one of these institutions.


  • In addition to the collaborations developed by each researcher, institutional partnerships have been set up with the CEA and the Institut Pasteur to develop joint projects and share expertise.
  • Researchers also initiate research projects in partnership with industry. They are supported by the industrial development and partnerships department. TO FIND OUT MORE


On an international scale, Institut Curie continues to develop, which is essential to the vitality of the Research Center.


At the European level, the fundings come mainly from the European Commission's calls for projects.

  • Every year, the European Research Council awards prestigious "ERC" grants. In 2022, 62 researchers at Institut Curie had already received such funding since its creation in 2007, of which 26 were in progress.


  • The Research Center also participates in international advanced training programmes for young researchers such as ITN (International Training Networks) within the units.


  • Institut Curie has been a member of the EU-Life alliance since 2013. Together, these 15 members can claim to foster cutting-edge research, share knowledge and influence research and health policies at the European level.


  • CurieCoreTech, the Research Center's network of technology platforms, has been a member since 2017 of Corefor Life, an alliance of life science platforms of excellence in Europe. Its mission is to leverage the potential for coordination and pooling of expertise and resources between member institutes.


  • Institut Curie has been awarded the "HR Excellence in Research" label by the European Commission for its European human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R). Obtaining this label makes institutions more attractive to researchers. This label identifies institutions that, through a continuous and active improvement process, tend to offer a more favourable and stimulating working environment.


The Research Center also conducts numerous projects beyond Europe:

  • Institutional partnerships have been signed with research institutes to promote the development of projects, with associated funding, and exchanges between research teams. For example:


  • The international positioning of the Research Center is reflected in the success of its researchers in international tenders, its extensive seminar programme, the sabbaticals of prestigious researchers and the representation of over 77 nationalities among its staff.



  • The entire scientific community of the Research Center has formed individual partnerships with other internationally renowned centers such as the Hubrecht Institute (Netherlands), MIT in Boston (USA), the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (UK) and the Fundación Cienca & Vida in Santiago (Chile).


  • These collaborations beyond our borders have already led to discoveries and innovations that are attested to by significant publications. Thus, international collaborations remain at a very high level in 2022. 518 collaborative publications (out of 1015 articles1) were produced with foreign partners from 132 countries, representing 51% of our scientific production.

Below is a map of the collaborations with the main countries.

Carte collaboration pays recherche

1 Source Web of science (Articles du Centre de recherche et de l’Ensemble hospitalier de l’Institut Curie)

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