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Cell migration and invasion

We are interested in how epithelial cells interact with their microenvironment during migration in gut homeostasis and cancer invasion. We use a gut as a model system, and our strategy is to combine different models such as 3D cell cultures, tissue explants, mouse models and human samples coupled with different microscopy techniques and biophysical modeling.


Past members
Denis Krndija
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Jorge Barbazan
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Andrew Clark
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Ralitza Staneva
PhD Student
Aleksandra Chikina
PhD Student
Ram Venkata Gannavarapu
PhD Student
Gehenna Lobo Guerrero Serrano
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Youmna Atieh
PhD Student
Jieun Choo
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Alexandre Glentis
PhD Student
Fabien Bertillot
PhD Student
Nadia Elkhatib
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Sara Geraldo
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Marie Schoumacer
PhD Student
Key publications
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Life of the team
Membres de l'équipe DMV posant sous le couché de soleil
Journey in île de Ré

Retraire du laboratoire à Saint-Martin de Ré. 

Job offers
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