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Cell Biology and Cancer (UMR144)

The mission of this unit is to understand the biogenesis of the cell compartments and the molecular mechanisms that govern normal cellular functions.

The main research themes of the unit include:

  • Transport pathways between compartments,
  • The dynamics of the actin- and microtubule-based cytoskeletons,
  • Three-dimensional structures of molecular motors,
  • Mechanisms of cell division and cell migration,
  • The mechanisms involved in establishing the polarity of epithelia and their differentiation,
  • Signalling pathways associated with tumour progression in several mouse models and human tumours,
  • Regulation of adhesive systems during morphogenesis and development.
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Scientific events
11 Jun
Seminar Cell Biology Series
In situ structures of muscle sarcomere and sarcomeric proteins
Sarcomeres are force-generating and load-bearing devices of muscles. A precise molecular picture of how sarcomeres are built underpins understanding their role in health and diseases. We determined the molecular architecture of native skeletal and cardiac sarcomeres and structures of sarcomeric proteins using cryo-focused-ion-beam milling (cryo-FIB) and electron cryo-tomography (cryo-ET). Our thre
3 Jun
The new FoldScript webserver, extracting the best from AlphaFold models: test cases of the protein complexes IN:IN and RT:IN from HIV-1
3D modeling programs using artificial intelligence (AI) have  revolutionized structural biology, often enabling protein structures to  be predicted with unprecedented levels of confidence. However, these structures remain models, and it is always interesting to compare  results from different predictors (Alphafold, Rosettafold, EMSfold...), not to limit ones
28 May
Institutional seminar "Marie Curie Seminar"
A journey from tyrosine to histidine phosphorylation: uncovering new cancer mechanisms
Cells are like creatures of habit—they follow the same cellular cycle over and over, coordinating the timing of gene and protein activation with growth and division. If this cycle is broken, things start to fall apart: Cells begin copying the wrong genes, turning on proteins at the wrong times or dividing too quickly or too slowly. All of these disruptions can lead to cancer. Understanding h
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