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I am a biophysicist interested to understand major cellular functions in eukaryotic cells that involved membrane proteins of cell detoxification, intracellular traffic and communication between organelles and for which dysfunctions are the involved in cancer, neurodegenerative diseases or viral infections.These functions are performed by machineries, heterogeneous in components, protein and membrane, membrane and filament as in 3D assemblies on membrane and involved protein and membrane interaction at short but also long distance. I design in vitro reconstituted systems with a set of purified proteins and membranemodels and describe the 3D architecture of proteins assemblies at subnanometric resolution by cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electomography. Then in collaboration I combined these results with data derived from cell biology and physics of membrane to get an integrated and mutltiscale view of the function.
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Office: 0033156246782