Hematological cancers

Cancers hématologiques

Symptoms and diagnosis hematological cancers

A variety of diagnostic methods, such as blood and immunological tests, genetic tests and lymph node and/or bone marrow biopsies, are used to identify the hematological disorder involved and establish a treatment plan tailored to each patient.
Symptoms are just as varied, such as pain and bone fragility for myeloma, painful lymph node swelling for lymphoma, fatigue, fever and bleeding for acute myeloid leukemia... In addition, patients with myelodysplasia may experience anemia (linked to a lack of red blood cells), vulnerability to infection (linked to a lack of white blood cells) or excessive bruising and bleeding (linked to a lack of platelets). Those with myeloproliferative syndrome may experience fatigue, pruritus and bone pain, or bleeding, clotting problems or abdominal pain with heaviness linked to the enlarged spleen.

Institut Curie, the leading cancer center in France

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