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Chromatin Dynamics
Chromatin organization in the nucleus provides a large repertoire of information in addition to that encoded genetically. Understanding how this information is established and possibly inherited through cell division is a challenge for the field.
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Transcription-coupled H3.3 recycling: A link with chromatin statesSeminars in Cell &Developmental Biology
H3–H4 histone chaperones and cancerCurrent Opinion in Genetics &Development
CENP-A overexpression promotes distinct fates in human cells, depending on p53 statusCommunications Biology
Two HIRA-dependent pathways mediate H3.3 de novo deposition and recycling during transcriptionNature Structural & Molecular Biology
Histone supply: Multitiered regulation ensures chromatin dynamics throughout the cell cycleJournal of Cell Biology
All news
Le Dr Geneviève Almouzni, lauréate du prix international L’Oréal-UNESCO Pour les Femmes et la ScienceLa Fondation L’Oréal et l’UNESCO ont annoncé aujourd'hui les lauréates du prix international L’Oréal-UNESCO Pour les Femmes et la Science 2024. Parmi les cinq scientifiques distinguées, le Dr Geneviève Almouzni, cheffe de l’équipe Dynamique de la chromatine (CNRS UMR3664 / Sorbonne Université), est reconnue pour son travail novateur dans le domaine de la biologie moléculaire. Félicitations !15/05/2024
Institut Curie - Institut Pasteur partnership: two joint projects to promote innovation and advancement of knowledgeImplementing their collaborative research strategy, Institut Curie and Institut Pasteur have raised the impressive amount of €600,000 to finance two research projects involving two teams from each organization. The MUCTOLIN project, looking at the role of tolerance induced by mucus during Listeria infection, and the TicTac project, which aims to study the effects of geometry on the healthy or cancerous status of a cell or on its development, were chosen.28/04/2023