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Colorectal cancer
- Definition
- Screening
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- Oncogenetic consultation
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What is colorectal cancer?
Institut Curie treats more than 400 patients with colorectal cancer every year. The early detection of this cancer is the subject of organized screening, and it promotes appropriate management. It is then cured in 9 out of 10 cases.
More than 47,000 cases of colorectal cancer (colon and rectal cancer) are diagnosed each year in France *. It is the 3rd most common cancer in men (after lung and prostate cancer) and the 2nd in women (after breast cancer). It is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death in men and the 3rd leading cause of cancer death in women.
Colorectal cancer develops in 80% of cases from benign lesions called adenomatous polyps. The identification and excision (removal) of these lesions during a colonoscopy make it possible to prevent these cancers. An early diagnosis, for example, during a screening examination, is associated with an excellent prognosis with a very high recovery rate (9 cases out of 10).
The main risk factors identified to date are age, lifestyle (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, diet rich in red meat and low in fiber, overweight/obesity, sedentary lifestyle), chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, family history of polyps or colorectal cancer, and genetic predisposition factors.
* Source: Overview of Cancers, Institut National du Cancer
Institut Curie, the leading cancer center in France
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