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Supportive care

Comprehensive management of the various symptoms linked to colorectal cancer or its treatments is essential in order to improve quality of life and administer treatments in an optimal manner. Particular attention is paid to nutritional management (dietetics and adapted physical activity). 

At Institut Curie, the multidisciplinary supportive care team is composed of doctors who specialize in supportive care and palliative care, inclduing onco-geriatricians, dieticians, physiotherapists, advanced practice nurses, nurses, social assistants, onco-psychologists, and psychiatrists. All of them work in close association with the referring oncologists.

Therapeutic education for the patient

Institut Curie offers its patients, and in particular people with colorectal cancer, workshops to prevent and cope with the side effects of treatments, understand the pain mechanisms, dare to ask for help, express their priorities, be able to adapt their diet, feel ready to return to work, find their place in their own privacy, learn non-drug techniques such as self-hypnosis to manage their symptoms, etc.

In addition, the association My network® Colorectal Cancer can provide valuable information to support patients and their loved ones throughout their journey during and after colorectal cancer.

Institut Curie, the leading cancer center in France

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