Home > Research and Innovation > Our teams > Research teams and groupsResearch teams and groups - page 2Find a teamFilter FilterResearch themes Units Manager Labels ApplyFind a team90 result(s)TeamChromatin DynamicsGENEVIEVE ALMOUZNITeamChromatin and RNA splicingREINI FERNANDEZ DE LUCOTeamChromosome Dynamics and RecombinationVALERIE BORDEGroupCirculating cancer biomarkersFRANCOIS-CLEMENT BIDARDSHUFANG RENAULTTeamCompartmentalization and Dynamics of Nuclear FunctionsANGELA TADDEITeamComputational BiologyHERVE ISAMBERTTeamComputational Biology and Integrative Genomics of CancerFLORENCE CAVALLITeamComputational Systems Biology of CancerEMMANUEL BARILLOTTeamControlling Microtubule Dynamics and Function with the tubulin codeCARSTEN JANKETeamCytoskeletal Architecture and Cell MorphogenesisPHONG THANH TRANPrevious< 1 23...9Next >